Aftercare process

Congratulations on Your New Tattoo!

Proper aftercare is essential to ensure your tattoo heals beautifully and maintains its vibrancy. Follow these steps carefully to take good care of your new tattoo:

Immediate Care

  1. Leave the Second skin/cling film on

    • If cling film is applied, keep on for at least 2-4 hours. This protects your tattoo from bacteria and prevents it from rubbing against clothing.

    • if you’ve had second skin applied, then it can be left for 3-5 days, depending on a few factors, if it peels back and exposes tattoo or water has got under it, then it will need removing.

  2. Wash Your Hands

    • Always wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap before touching your tattoo to avoid introducing bacteria.

  3. Remove the protective film

    • After the recommended time, gently remove the second skin or cling film. If it sticks, moisten it with warm water to ease removal.

  4. Clean Your Tattoo

    • Wash the tattoo gently with lukewarm water and mild, fragrance-free soap. Use your fingertips, not a washcloth, to clean the area. Pat dry with a clean paper towel or let it air dry. Avoid rubbing.

Daily Care

  1. Apply a Thin Layer of Ointment

    • Once your tattoo is clean and dry, apply a thin layer of a recommended tattoo aftercare ointment ( I always recommend a simple cold pressed coconut oil, melts at skin temp and is simply 1 ingredient). Do not use Vaseline or petroleum jelly.

  2. Moisturize Regularly

    • After the initial healing period (usually 3-4 days), switch to a fragrance-free moisturizer or lotion to keep the tattoo hydrated. Apply it sparingly 2-3 times a day.

  3. Avoid Soaking

    • Do not soak your tattoo in water. Avoid swimming pools, hot tubs, baths, and oceans for at least 2-3 weeks. Quick showers are fine.

  4. Avoid Sun Exposure

    • Keep your tattoo out of direct sunlight during the healing process. After it has healed, always apply a high-SPF sunscreen to prevent fading.



General Tips

  1. Wear Loose Clothing

    • Wear loose, clean clothing that won’t rub against your tattoo. This helps avoid irritation and allows the tattoo to breathe.

  2. Avoid Scratching or Picking

    • As your tattoo heals, it will start to scab and peel. This is normal. Do not scratch, pick, or peel the scabs. Let them fall off naturally to avoid scarring and ink loss.

  3. Stay Hydrated and Eat Well

    • Drinking plenty of water and maintaining a healthy diet can aid in the healing process.

  4. Avoid Intense Exercise

    • Try to avoid activities that cause excessive sweating or strain on the tattooed area for the first week.

Signs of Infection

  • Redness and swelling beyond the tattooed area

  • Severe pain or throbbing

  • Foul odor or discharge (yellow or green pus)

  • Fever or chills

If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your tattoo artist and seek medical attention immediately.

Long-Term Care

  • Protect Your Tattoo

    • Continue using sunscreen on your tattoo whenever it is exposed to the sun, even after it has fully healed, to maintain its color and detail.

  • Moisturize

    • Keep your tattoo moisturized to maintain the skin's health and the tattoo's appearance.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about your tattoo or the healing process, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help!